Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Magic one to forget KERIS

Koes Plus

The kris or keris is a distinctive, asymmetrical dagger indigenous to
Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Southern Thailand and the southern
Philippines. Both a weapon, and spiritual object, krisses are often
considered to have an essence or presence, with some blades possessing
good luck and others possessing bad.
The kris spread from the island
of Java to many parts of the archipelago of Indonesia, such as Sumatra,
Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, South Sulawesi, Kalimantan, and to the Southeast
Asian areas now known as Malaysia, Brunei, southern Philippines,
southern Thailand, and Singapore.

In 2005, UNESCO gave the title Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity to Kris of Indonesia.

Nusantara people have different manner to keep the KERIS, but I wonder :
Why Javanese keep the Keris behind of his body?!!??

Let discuss Keris and the magic inside it......any language to express your opinion is acceptable.

diaturi angudar lan ambebagi kawruh bab KERIS meniko.....Silahkan kita
kaji Keris ini dari pengetahuan dan pengalaman Anda untuk saling
bertukar pengetahuan.....semoga anak cucu kita tidak melupakan salah
satu senjata pamungkas yang sakti mandra guna, bukankerisnya yang sakti
tapi isi kandungan seni keris ini mempunyai magis dalam cara pandang
dan hidup seorang yang disebut JAWA.....

Pemahaman Keris ada di sini :
Oleh : M. Shuhmy.S.---Malaysia

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